Friday, May 15, 2009

Good Credit Tips

Here are a few tips to help you improve your credit score.

* Review your credit history report and look for any inaccuracies
* Correct any inaccuracies on your report until they are removed from your report
* Monitor your credit report regularly at least once a year, more if you have had issues
* Keep your current credit accounts (Older accounts help your credit score) and use them. Older accounts that are being used count more on your credit score
* Keep the limit on each credit account below 30% of the credit limit. This includes looking at your total available credit and the total used credit amount being under 30%
* Make payment on each account on time every month no matter what, call and make a payment if necessary to make sure it is on time
* Try to pay more than minimum on each credit account paying the minimum means that you will be paying more interest than you should
* Make sure that any payments made by snail mail arrive on time.

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